Privacy Policy

Last updated March 31th, 2024.

  1. Introduction
  2. Welcome to ReadMe HSK's Privacy Policy. We are committed to protecting your privacy and handling your data in an open and transparent manner. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you use our service, including our mobile applications ("apps") and website. By using our service, you consent to the data practices described in this policy.

  3. Information We Collect
  4. Account Creation and Profile: When you create an account with us, we collect your email and password. During your first login, we ask you to complete your profile, which includes your name, birthday, and country, as well as service-related preferences including your HSK level and preferred translation language.

    Usage Data: We collect information regarding the vocabulary words you mark with 'thumbs up' and 'thumbs down', along with other app interaction data. This helps us adapt our content to improve your learning experience. For the necessary calculation of vocabulary review time, user's device time will be submitted to our server. We log request IP addresses for security monitoring.

    Feedback: We store feedback and questions submitted by you.

    Advertisements: Interaction with ads is monitored for analytics purposes.

  5. Third Party Data Collection
  6. Google AdMob: Our service incorporates Google AdMob for advertising, which tracks user data, including approximate location, app interaction, app diagnostics, and device information.

  7. Use of Information
  8. Service Improvement: Your data is used to personalize your experience, improve our service, manage and secure your account, and communicate with you.

    Daily Running of Business: We may process your data for business analytics, maintaining insurance coverage, obtaining professional advice, and other business necessities.

    Legal Defense: We may process your data for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, whether in court proceedings or in an administrative or out-of-court procedure.

  9. Disclosure of Information
  10. Apart from third party data collection mentioned above, we do not sell, trade, or transfer your Personally Identifiable Information to outside parties except when required by law or in response to a request from law enforcement authorities.

  11. Data Storage and Processing
  12. Your data is stored and processed on cloud computing premises provided by Alibaba Cloud in Hong Kong. If you do not agree to have your data stored in Hong Kong, please refrain from using our service.

  13. Data Security
  14. We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information, including choosing a cloud computing provider with robust security, implementing protected access to servers and databases, app integrity verification, and data encryption.

  15. Your Rights
  16. Under data protection laws, you are entitled to:

    • Access, rectify, or erase your personal data
    • Restrict or object to data processing
    • Data portability
    • Lodge a complaint with supervisory authorities
    • Withdraw consent at any time

    You can exercise these rights either through available menus in our apps or by contacting us directly.

  17. Data Retention
  18. We will generally retain your data until you request account deletion. However, we may retain certain information longer if necessary for legal obligations or to provide our service, including but not limited to data stored in our backup system before they are flushed out. We may also retain anonymous data indefinitely.

  19. Changes to This Privacy Policy
  20. We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Updated version will be effective immediately upon posting. It is your responsibility to regularly check for updates.

  21. Contact Us
  22. For questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or your data rights, please contact us directly via the email